Ring, ring, ring,
Ring, ring, ring.
Mary said that you said,
I was only so, so, so!
I said what? No, no, no!
What a liar. What a rat!
I told Mary this and that...
Ring, ring, ring,
Ring, ring, ring.
Hello Mary, flap, buzz, wag,
Glory says, that you said,
I was calling her a hag!
She said that? What a lie!
Go ask Patty, my alibi!
Glory said, Patty said,
you had said, I had said,
That her feet were over spread!
That's a fib! Taradiddle!
Won't permit to fry in griddle!
Let me tell you, bunny hug,
She called you a sly humbug!
She said that?
She's the one who said so smugly,
Your poor buns were juggle ugly!
Oh, she did? That ugly prune!
Patty said, Glory said,
she street walks the afternoons.
Ring, ring, ring,
Ring, ring, ring.
Hello Mary, you little squirt!
Just found out you called me dirt!
That my hubby might desert,
Cause he's nothing but a flirt!
That my schnozzel has black pores,
And my hubby coughs and snores!
Oh, no, no my dear Glory!
Ts, ts, ts!
How would I know if he snores,
When he sleeps behind closed doors!
Listen Glory, listen well,
That darn Patty's a dumbell,
Brags and brags she's mademoiselle,
When she looks like living hell!
Ring, ring, ring,
Ring, ring, ring.
Hello honey, this is Patty.
Lovey said, you had said,
I was always on the phone,
Asking people for a loan!
Cock-and-bull, nah, nah, nah!
At the spa said she saw
big fat falsies in your bra!
Fishy story, hah, hah, hah!
She's just jealous cause she's blah!
Listen Mary, t'is no tale,
let me tell you, juicy, juicy,
Lovey's nothing but a lush!
Promise you won't tell a soul,
so please keep it hush, hush!?!?
Ring, ring, ring,
Ring, ring, ring.
Hello Lovey! Won't believe what I just heard,
From dumpy Mary, the silly nerd...
Twisting, twisting, round it goes,
Where they stop, nobody knows.
Spill the beans, a pow wow,
Chit chat, pss, speak, avow.
Chatter box, jabble rabble,
Uttered words, Tower of Babble!

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